Summary of The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) Report on Education and Health.

The country is in a serious crisis and we need some self soul searching. The report released yesterday (November 19th 2013) by The World Bank and Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) surveyed 400 schools and 400 health centers across the country indicates that; - Only 35% of public health providers could correctly diagnose at least 4 out of 5 very common conditions (like diarrhea with dehydration and malaria with anemia). - In health centers that only offer outpatient services, half (49%) of the providers could not identify more than one of these conditions. Worryingly, public providers followed only 1 out of 5 (20%) of the correct actions needed to manage maternal and neonatal complications. - Less than 1 in 5 (19%) of public school teachers showed mastery of the curriculum they teach. Years of education and level of teacher training were positively correlated with higher teacher scores. Absenteeism - More than half (52%) of public health provid...