The long wait to stable employment of Young women and men in Uganda

Maria Nagawa, is a Research Associate with EPRC Ugandan youth experience a very long transition from school to stable employment according to a School-to-Work Transition Survey (SWTS) conducted by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The report shows that on average it takes more than two years for the Ugandan youth to move to stable and satisfactory job. For those who do not receive immediate employment, the average length of transition is much longer—about 4 years. Within these four years, youth experience both unemployment and temporary employment spells lasting about 18 months each. Young women and urban youth most unemployed Uganda reached the first Millennium Development Goal in 2011/12 by halving poverty rates from 56 % in 1992/93 to 22 %. But a high fertility rate of 6 children per woman makes the country one of the fastest growing in the world. Its population doubled between 1990 and 2014 from 17.5 million to over 34 million people respectively. Currently...