Mobile Money services contribute 90 percent financial access
Summary of Key Note Address from Bank of Uganda at the Launch of FINSCOPE III Survey Report on November
28, 2013 at Kampala Serena Hotel
Before I give my brief address, allow me to thank the
FinScope Team, the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC), Uganda Bureau of
Statistics and FinMark Trust for having successfully implemented the Uganda
FinScope III (2013) survey.
I am particularly grateful to DFID for the significant role
they have played in providing the necessary funding for the survey. The Bank of
Uganda continues to show much appreciation for the support that DFID has given
towards increased financial inclusion in Uganda.
FinScope surveys are being implemented in a number of
African countries with the ultimate aim of covering the entire continent. The stated objective of FinScope surveys is
to determine the levels of access to, and use of, financial products and
services by adult population 16 years or above.
access and use of financial services is paramount for policy making toward the improvement
of the performance of the financial systems on the African continent. The
ultimate goal of FinScope surveys is to contribute to the understanding of how a
larger proportion of the adult African population can be formally financially
financial inclusion can be achieved through opening bank accounts, increasing
the level of savings and investments and securing loans from formal financial
institutions, which are registered and regulated.
In an effort to
improve financial intermediation in the economy the central bank has
implemented a series of banking sector reforms like;
Capital Account Liberalization (1997)
Microcredit Deposit Taking Institutions Act (2003)
Lifting the licensing of banks (2007)
Financial Institutions Instrument (2011) (revisions
of minimum capital)
Financial Consumer Protection Guidelines (2011
as amended 2013).
Some of the findings from this 2013 FinScope survey have
shown that we might need to accelerate our reforms or perhaps review them. To
quote only two results from the survey we see that;
A relatively small proportion of adult Ugandans, i.e. 20
percent or 3.4 million adult Ugandans are the only ones currently using the
formal financial institutions including banks. The low level of using formal
institutions (i.e. commercial banks, MDIs and credit institutions) is reflected
in the recorded low levels of savings, borrowing and access to formal insurance.
Clearly, there are some economic implications arising from this
situation and Bank of Uganda is committed to studying the results and providing
further guidance for improvement.
Tremendous improvement has been recorded in financial access
through the non-bank formal institutions and outlets including SACCOS, Micro
Finance Institutions, FOREX Bureaus, Insurance companies as well as mobile
Mobile money services have contributed over 90 percent of
the growth of these channels put together. Mobile money services could be
improved further by linking to formal banks through new innovative products which
can increase access and use of financial services in Uganda.
It is also important to note, that SACCOs are growing as an
important avenue for improving the number of adult Ugandans holding accounts. Hence,
reviewing the regulation and product structure of mobile money services and
SACCOs could enable a larger proportion of adult Ugandans to access formal
products and services. This may be achieved through account holding, savings
and investment, credit and borrowing as well as insurance uptake, thus
facilitating greater financial inclusion in Uganda.
The Bank of Uganda welcomes well researched evidence on the
performance of the Ugandan economy. Therefore we look forward to receiving a
detailed FinScope report which can help us to work towards assessing the kind
of steps we need to take in order to improve financial deepening in Uganda.
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